Wednesday, February 22, 2012

GENIUS Idea...

...that I can't take any credit for. But that's okay! After writing my last post, I started to think about the days I spend only at the office and at home. I don't go to the drive thru every day (Thank God!) and I don't always get home in time to walk the dogs. SO for the days that are busier than others, I'm going to do this..
Goody bags for the homeless! No matter what kind of day it is, I'm always in my car. And I always drive past at least one homeless person whom I usually don't have anything to give.  Instead of giving whatever change I have in my car, I'm going to pack a smaller bag of stuff like this. The things most people take for granted. Things like a bar of soap, a granola bar, small toothpaste and toothbrush, deodorant (if you know me well, then you know I carry deodorant in my purse), chapstick, sunblock, mints, etc. Most of these you can get in the $.99 travel aisle at Target.  If I can give baggies of 3 or 4 things, then that's a very good $3-$5 spent in my opinion. 
I'm so excited and I feel like this is really what meant Lent is supposed to be about. While I understand the concept of sacrificing something you're used to having, I think I get much more out of doing good things for others I wouldn't normally do. Kind of a "pay it forward" idea. To each their own, right?
Thank you Pinterest and Gina with Love for the amazing idea!

1 comment:

  1. I kind of want to do this. But 80 mph up and down the tollroad from Turtle Creek to Plano doesn't wield many homeless ...
