Well, for starters, I've been sick...again. Someone must've coughed in Oklahoma b/c I got bronchitis again. I was hoping it was just allergies so I tried to suck it up but I went to the doctor when I got worse. She fixed me up with a steroid shot and lots of meds so I'm happy to say I'm almost back to normal.
Of course the day I decided to go to the doctor, I got a call from a company I've been interviewing with. I had been waiting to meet with the VP for about 2 weeks so of course she was available the day I had a 101 fever. Needless to say, it wasn't the best interview of my career. I actually cringe at the thought of it. I was trying to prove how important the job was to me by going in when I felt so awful but I think the plan backfired. So back to the drawing board...
Anyway, one of my bff's bachelorette party was in New Orleans the weekend I was sick. I seriously thought about not going but I'm in the wedding and I did buy a plane ticket so off to New Orleans I went!
All in all, it was a great weekend. I definitely wish I had been feeling better but oh well. You make the best of the situation you're in and deal with it. Here are some (blog approved) pics from the festivities!
The gorgeous Bachelorette
Of course we made a point to get on stage :o)
Group Shot
After a couple days at home (literally like 3 days I think), I flew to Virginia Beach to spend Easter with my Granny, Mom, Aunt Mari, Uncle Shawn and cousins Sarah and Shane. My mom was booking her trip a while ago and invited me to go too. I absolutely love my Granny so I always jump at the chance to go see her. It was just what the doctor ordered and it was very nice to be taken care of for a bit!
But now it's back to reality with trips to the gym, applying for jobs, and keeping myself busy. It's hard to get back on track but I'm happy to be in a "normal" routine again.
Now if only I could get that awful interview outta my head....sigh. Everything happens for a reason, right??
Where are the non-blog approved pictures...?