Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Story

I have never been more relieved in my life.  Really, truly, and utterly RELIEVED.
Grateful :o)
Lucy's story (from my pespective):
I talked to Rekka, a friend and one of the DT6 reps, Monday morning around 11.  I called to ask her a question about Lexi (my current foster) and she was on her way to check on a Lucy lead.  Truth be told, I didn't think much of it.  There have been a bunch of them over the past few months (most I'm probably not even aware of) so I just took this one with a grain of salt. 
45 minutes later, JP, the DT6 President, was calling me.  I don't think I even said "hello."  I think I just picked up the phone and said "Ohmigod.  Was it her??"
Miracle of all miracles, Lucy was in the back of a squad car when Rekka arrived to the call site.  Here are the details posted on Facebook:
From one of Lucy's rescuers, DPD Officer Maria Gutierrez:
"I spotted Lucy sitting in front of a house [on] Empire Central. We had just read the flyer posted at Starbucks by Lovefield & I have been keeping up with all of th emails that your forward to me. We talked to the owner of the house & she told us the dog was a stray ...that showed up 2 months ago & she gave us some hot dog weenies to get the dog close to us. I was able to get close enough to read her collar & was soooo excited, but then Lucy took off running. After a brief foot & car chase, we then called for cover & with the help of the NW patrol officers listed below, were able to catch Lucy & put her in the back of the squad car. My partner Gloria called Amy Brewer [who contacted Lt. Kimberly Stratman] & she was able to get the contact info for the owner from Lucy's Facebook page.
The owner arrived to the location & was almost in tears & was very thankful.
There are so many of us who prayed for this day. So many of us who wished for it.  I won't lie, I lost hope.  My prayers went from "God, please bring her back" to "God, please keep her safe, healthy and happy wherever she may be."
At the vet with my girl.  I was incredibly selfish and stayed by her the entire time.  I couldn't not be near her.

I started crying when I talked to JP and the rest of the phone calls, text messages and facebook comments had me in tears for the remainder of the day.  THANK GOD I was working from home!
I don't really know who reads this blog, but if you, in any way, helped bring Lucy home, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.  Thank you, thank you, thank you. 
Lucy was gone for 78 days.  (The most classic response I got to that statistic was from my friend Sheree who said "that's longer than Kim Kardashian's marriage!!")
This has been a long and stressful 78 days.  I tried not to talk about it.  And I tried not to think about it.  But the fact that she's home still brings me to tears 48 hours later. (HOW DO I HAVE ANY LEFT?!?) 
I am forever grateful for my DT6 family.  They understand the torture of losing a pet.  (And yes ya'll, it IS torture.)  Not once did anyone blame me.  Not once did anyone say anything bad to me.  This group has been nothing but supportive, loving and hopeful.  They've answered my calls, calmed me down when I've been upset and cheered me up when I was worried.  And hopefully, visa versa.  I have made life-long friends throughout this ordeal and I will foster for them as long as they'll have me.
Below are more pictures from various friends on Facebook.  I also posted the link of us seeing Lucy for the first time. (Please forgive my ridiculously cheesy reaction.  The only words that would escape my mouth were "it's REALLY her!")

She took a nap on my leg and let us all love on her. Pure bliss :o)
Posing for JP.  I love this face so much!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Lucy Irene

FOUND HER!!!!!!!

Friday, February 8, 2013


Obviously, with me getting back into the gym, health has been a popular topic on my mind lately.
I'm lucky enough to work at an office where everything is at my fingertips.  It's a blessing and a curse, all in one.  I've enjoyed the luxury of having coffee shops and cafeterias at my fingertips.  That being said, it's not easy on the wallet.
A few weeks ago, I decided to start bringing my lunch and breakfast (and sometimes dinner) to work because spending $70+ a week on food is ridiculous to me.  And I'd so much rather get new furniture and save that money than spend it on things that won't matter to me in the long run.  Being financially smart is a learning experience and it doesn't come easily to me.  I struggle with making good choices everyday but I'm very happy with the ones I've made lately!
I started cooking meals for the week on the weekends again and I was so happy with the way they turned out that I wanted to share them with you.
Giada's Turkey, Kale & Brown Rice Soup
Turkey Spinach Meatballs
Egg & Avocado Toast (I make this in the morning before I go to work and eat when I get hungry in the morning)
Personal favorite snack: I'll pack grapes, blackberries and 2 clementines in container with greek yogurt and drizzle of honey.  YUM!!  (Sometimes I add granola but it's expensive and I don't necessarily miss it when it's not there.)
To satisfy my sweet tooth, I munch on Cinammon Graham crackers  They're messy but do the job when I start to crave sugar.
I don't know if ya'll are struggling with maintaining (or getting to) a healthy lifestyle but I always appreciate when someone offers new recipes and insight to me so I thought I'd try to help others out too.  If you have anything to share, please comment!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Skinny Vs Healthy

I'm blessed.
Other than a few months in college, my weight has fluctuated within the same 7 pound range all my adult life.  Go ahead, hate me. 
I'm only saying this because while I have been the same number on the scale for oh so many years, it doesn't mean I've looked good, felt good or been healthy whatsoever. 
I admire people who take their health seriously.  Because I've been lucky, I'm jumping on the health bandwagon a bit later in life than I'd like to admit.  I finally got clearance to work out in January (within reason) and I'll admit that getting back in shape is harder than I thought it would be. 
I have never been so unhappy with my body as I am now.  Yes, I'm thin.  Yes, it could be worse.  I'm not saying I'm fat.  I'm saying that I'm not happy with the way my body looks.  There IS a difference!  I'm currently working out 2-4 times a week (depending on my back) and obviously, that's not enough.  While I've always been lucky to be able to eat what I've wanted, I've noticed a few things as I've gotten older. 
My energy levels depend on what I eat.
My metabolism is all over the place because of my eating habits.
If I don't get at least 7 hours of sleep, I'm absolutely exhausted the next day.
I'm 31.  And way too young to have any problems like this.  I always thought I'd be one of the lucky ones to get better with age.  For the very first time, I'm GRATEFUL for my injury because it's teaching me that no matter what the circumstances, I'm human and I need to take care of myself.
Point being: I can only work out 3-4 times a week and I have pretty strict limitations on what I can do.  Some would push those, I will not.  So my only option to being as healthy as I'd like to be is to eat better.  I'm good at eating lean and whatnot but there is just SO MUCH information out there on how to eat the best way possible.  I'm not a super disciplined person.  And with my job, I don't have a lot of time at home during the week.  If go to work and then workout, I get home at 8:30 at night, which is way too late to eat dinner or prepare any meal for that matter.  I will never give up Diet Coke or wine.  Balance is my enemy Monday-Friday.  To make up for my shortcomings, I do increase my water intake, I will eat more small meals daily and I might possibly consider chugging a green juice for dinner if it means I'll get the protein and vitamins I need for a balanced diet.
Do ya'll have anything you swear by to be in your best form?  I've started following a few health blogs (they're in my blog list on the right) that I'm hoping will help me adapt a healthier lifestyle.  I'm interested in juicing but am TERRIFIED of the way a spinach, celery, apple, and mint juice will taste. (If it's not good, I won't drink it.  I'm a snob like that.)
If you have anything that will make me a healthier me, I'd appreciate it!  Please share!!

PS-Completely off subject but we may have had a Lucy sighting today.  PLEASE PRAY!  I hate that there are so many stray dogs out there that could be her.  Dogs deserve a home, end of story.  Please pray we get Lucy and her friends off the street soon!